
Immersive Wenches Mod 1.6.0SE

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Immersive Wenches Mod is an exciting gameplay add-on for Skyrim that introduces a vibrant cast of barmaids and wenches into the inns and taverns of the game. With this mod, you can interact with numerous wenches and maidens, each with their own unique interactive options and AI-guided paths.

If you're looking to enhance your Skyrim experience with additional NPCs or gameplay mechanics, Immersive Wenches Mod is an excellent choice. However, there are also other alternatives worth considering, such as Interesting NPCs SE, Campfire - Complete Camping System, and Deadly Wenches. These mods not only provide new dialogue and interactions for NPCs but also introduce new characters to the game.

One of the standout features of Immersive Wenches Mod is its ability to turn all additional NPCs into followers or spouses. This allows for a more immersive and personalized gameplay experience.

The mod adds a total of 89 NPCs to the game, but you can increase this number to 126 if desired. The NPCs are divided into various categories, including wenches/barmaids, maid wenches, bards, vampire wenches, bodyguards, merchants, random orc, and others. This diverse range of characters adds depth and variety to the game world.

Immersive Wenches Mod also supports expansion packs that introduce even more specialized wenches. These packs, such as Deadly Wenches, Hateful Wenches, Forgotten Wenches, and Judgment Wenches, not only offer additional variety but also provide more in-game interaction options. Furthermore, they contribute to a more immersive environment by increasing the population of Skyrim.

One of the notable improvements in the latest version of Immersive Wenches Mod is the implementation of bug fixes. Additionally, the mod has been made more compatible with other add-ons and mods that focus on NPCs, inns, and taverns. To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to place Immersive Wenches Mod before any other mod that affects NPCs and social settings within the game.

Immersive Wenches Mod seamlessly integrates the interactive wenches into the base game, ensuring they do not appear out of place in the taverns and inns. The mod enhances the overall variety and substance of Skyrim, providing a more immersive and engaging gameplay experience.

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